As I look back on my life before I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, I can clearly see now that God had been a constant blessing and provision for me all along.
While I never had a rock-bottom experience or Spirit-inspired epiphany, I did sense the emptiness of my existence without God. Mine, was a more gradual transition from a self-centered life to a Christ-centered one.
I believe that God puts the right people in our lives at the perfect moments to draw us closer to Him. For me, that person was my friend and former Danbury Barons baseball teammate, Brendan Micik. "Bern" has always been a stand-up guy, the kind you'd go to war with. Before we ever spoke about Christ, he was ministering to me. I watched his easy-going way and radiant love for the Lord and the people in his life. I heard his subtle,
sporadic quotes from Scripture, while in the dugout. In context, it never seemed like preaching. "Bern" wore his hair long and would constantly talk about his "Samson-strength"and how we were going to "ride on the Philistines" a.k.a. the "other team". I honestly, had no idea what he was talking about, it just sounded cool and our team embraced his Biblical anecdotes- even integrating them into our game-time chatter!
Years later, "Bern" began to speak plainly to me about the Lord. Eventually, he brought me to a church service and connected me to Pastor Charlie Caviola. It was then, that I took definitive steps toward knowing Christ and surrendering my life to Him. Today, I am part of the Revive Church family and continue to be mentored by Pastor Charlie.
I have always loved sports, so it is fitting that baseball played a major role in bringing me to Christ. Not surprisingly, God continued to meet me in my love of sports and life of faith through Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA).
The blessing of FCA found me one Sunday morning at church! And, now I get to pass on the blessing to my students and young athletes as an Assistant Football Coach and FCA Huddle Leader at Westhill High School in Stamford, CT. It is a privilege to be able to share the love of the Lord and the truth of the Gospel with the youth. I believe KNOWING GOD and the PEACE HE PROVIDES, especially at this young age, will serve them long after their playing days come to an end.
Faithfully, For His Blessing, Glory and Honor!!
"And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you..." Deuteronomy 28:2a
6 New Canaan Way
Norwalk, CT 06850